Our Polygenic Risk Score Test

What is a Polygenic Risk Score (PRS)?

Every cell in our body contains a set of instructions called our genetic code. This genetic code is largely the same between individuals, however every individual has small differences called genetic variants. Some genetic variants predispose us to developing common and rare diseases. A polygenic risk score combines millions of genetic variants to determine an individual's risk of developing a given disease.


Should children who have been diagnosed with autism take the PRS test?

The Neurona Health PRS test is designed to predict a child's genetic predisposition forr developing autism. If your child has already been diagnosed with autism this test will not be useful. However if you have more children or have relatives with children it may be useful in determining their genetic risk for developing autism.

The Results

What does it mean if my child is identified as being at high risk for developing autism?

It means they are at a higher genetic risk for developing autism than the average individual. A large population-based study showed that individuals in the top 10% of our PRS score have a 2.8- fold increased odds of developing autism compared to those in the bottom 10% of scores.


How will my data be protected?

All genomic data will be stored in HIPAA compliant data storage.


Why is our monitoring service beneficial?

Many pediatric cases of autism are missed every year, with some estimates as high as 25% of cases. Our service provides specialized clinician-driven autism screening to monitor for signs of developing autism. Numerous scientific studies show early detection and intervention leads to remarkably better outcomes for children with autism